Win a Bee Hamper!
Ho ho ho – we’re coming up to the season to be jolly! And thanks to the good folk at Ben’s Bees, we’ve got a ridiculously wholesome hamper to give away – check it out below!

Here’s an amazing Ben’s Bees hamper for some lucky person to win!
- 500 grams local raw honey
- 240 grams gold leaf honey
- Hand made tea towel
- 2 skep bee hive candles
- 6 tea light beeswax candles
- Diamond pattern pure beeswax candle
- Honey comb pattern candle
Some may remember a chat we had with Ben Moore earlier this year about where his passion for bee-keeping has taken him, and as it turns out a few months ago he took the plunge and is now a bee-keeper – full-time! Nothing is more exciting than chasing your passions and managing to turn it into a career – especially one that not only supports a growing family, but one that actively contributes to the ecological health of this humble planet of ours. You’ve gotta love your bees! 😉
Our boutique hampers are packed with healthy, natural products that anyone will cherish: premium, raw organic honey; candles made from pure, ethically-produced beeswax that actually help purify the air; and a handmade tea towel from the finest cotton fabric. All of our products are manufactured in Australia by a small, family-owned business.
Ben’s Bees
*Please note that the hamper can be picked up from Blackburn (near the Springvale Rd Eastlink exit). The winner will be contacted via the email address used when you comment. And we’re not interested in using email addresses for anything involving emails selling honey, watches, or shares in African government programmes. Just the comp. Sorry!
If you’d like to win this ace prize, just leave a comment below before 9pm AEST Dec 13 and complete the following statement: You know you’re a permie when…
** Update – competition is closed! The winner will be announced on Friday Dec 15. Cheers! 😉 **
Well it was a tough call given there were so many terrific entries – and each of the Permablitz Collective had a different favourite. But one entry kept coming up… so without further ado we award the Bee Hamper to Sue for the following entry:
You know you’re a permie when you laugh at yourself talking to your worms in your compost bin.
We hope you enjoy your honey goodness!
Whwn I travel one and a 100 kilometres both ways to create a permaculture garden on our new property 3 years before we build on there to retire in Wonthaggi.
You know you’re a permie when you spend the work day trying not to procrastinate on growing tips and gardening websites.
… you mistake every problem for a solution. Oh wait.
You are out at 11.30 pm at night planting potatoes
You know you are permie when you, no matter what, want to have your own veggie garden, even if you live in an apartment, and after a while, you realize all your plants are growing amazing.
you look at the whole picture, not just the garden (though definitely the most fun), and consider how can we do better to make it more sustainable – ecologically, socially, biologically, environmentally and so many more ‘icallys’ i can’t think of!
You know you’re a permie when you read your old PDC textbook years down the track and have enough knowledge, experience and humility to recognise all the mistakes, flaws and missing caveats in it.
You know you’re a permie when you can get super excited about dirt, your guests get very confused at your place about which bin is for what, cornflour is for dry shampooing your hair and sage leaves for brushing your teeth!
You ask all your neighbours for their green waste.
You know you are a permie when all you want for Christmas is a hive and bees.
You know you’re a permie when…you dream of swales
You know you’re a permie when…everything has to have a companion
When….you are known around the neighbourhood as the woman who gives away pumpkins.
You know your a permie when slug hunting after planting seedlings at night becomes second nature, & your resentment of weeds ebbs toward appreciation
When it’s normal to wee in the garden.
When your finger nails are always black with dirt.
All I need to know about life I learned from gardening – patience, time, love, and hard labour! Heaps of memories in my backyard 🙂
Your a permie when rain, hail or shine your happiest in the garden up to your elbows in dirt
When I spend so much time, saving seeds, and growing lovely trees for friends, My peach trees are lovely and so healthy and the fruit is sweet.
You know your’e a permi when you laugh at yourself talking to your worms in your compost bin.