Bees: Focused Hands-on Beekeeping Course
Date(s) - March 19, 2017
Time - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
This is a third-party event not organised by Permablitz. We've added it because we reckon it looks pretty good!
Location - Collingwood Children's Farm Apiary
This course is designed to provide beekeepers with practical advice about managing hives (including Flow Hives) in autumn and winter as well as providing an understanding of a range of specialised beekeeping topics, including bee stings, bee genetics, queen raising and replacement, exotic bee pests and diseases, purifying wax and preparing creamed honey.
It will be held on Sunday 19th March. Cost is $130 .
It will be taught by a team of six experienced beekeepers and educators who in total have over 180 years of beekeeping experience.
There is a limit of 12 students for the course.
For further information, enrolment and payment go
Enrolments close on Friday 17th March 2017.