When we come together to blitz we can achieve so much collectively. I like to think of it as a bit like of those children’s TV shows where little super heroes fuse together to form a battle-ready mega-robot. Only our mega-robot is hell bent on gardening. I propose we call our collective monstrosity Blitzoid. May couch grass and agapanthus tremble at our name.
Welcome to the latest permablitz newsletter. Sorry for the hiatus. We’re on the telly tonight, details below. We’ve got upcoming blitzes, upcoming courses, permaculture approaches to zombie attack, and much more. So read on…
~~~ Upcoming Melbourne Blitzes ~~~
(Late announcement!) Sat Sep 12 Rick’s Hawthorn Blitz. Come along this Saturday as we take on a blitzing challenge: Rick’s west facing, steeply sloping (now terraced) front yard.
Sat Sep 26 Charlie’s blitz North Fitzroy
~~~ Tune in Tonight! SBS 8pm ~~~
Tonight at 8pm see Steve’s 30th birthday permablitz during the third episode of the excellent new SBS series called Costa’s Garden Odyssey. You can watch back episodes of Costa’s Garden Odyssey online.
~~~ Upcoming Courses ~~~
Take it to the next level. Come along to one of the exciting courses permablitz organisers are involved with:
Tue Sep 15 @06:30PM – 08:30PM The Backyard Ecosystem: Organic Pest Control and Adventures in the Microcosmos (Yarraville)
Sat Sep 19 @12:00PM – 02:00PM Edible Weeds Walk (Brunswick)
Sat Oct 03 Residential Permaculture Design Course (Seymour)
Wed Oct 14 @06:30PM – 08:30PM Beginners Guide to Compost and Worms (Yarraville)
Sun Oct 18 @10:00AM – 04:00PM VEG Intro to Organic Gardening (St Kilda)
~~~ Permablitz Bellingen going off ~~~
Bellingen are planning their 5th blitz. See some photos and a report of past ones on the website.
~~~ Planning for Life After Cheap Oil in Maribyrnong ~~~
If oil — the nonrenewable resource which is the lifeblood of the industrial world — may have already peaked, then shouldn’t some public institutions — somewhere, anywhere — be doing some serious planning for its demise?
Maribyrnong City Council has begun, by becoming the first-ever local government organisation in Australia to complete a Peak Oil Contingency Plan, which is now available for download at:
The Plan was prepared for the City by the Institute for Sensible Transport.
They find that the food system is particularly vulnerable. (and blitz related business are mentioned.
~~~ Geoff Lawton in Geelong ~~~
Famed permaculture designer and teacher Geoff Lawton is speaking in Geelong on Sept 27th. Email [email protected] for details.
~~~ How to become a Permaculture Pariah ~~~
A while back I proposed a thought experiment to the international permaculture e-group which includes several international authors and well known teachers. I proposed that their permaculture principles and thinking apparatus need to be tested in novel situations. Why then, not propose a thought experiment? What would they do in a zombie attack scenario.
Responses: 0
~~~ An apology ~~~
Sorry this newsletter has been so late in coming, we’ve been busy! On account of that there have been a couple blitzes which booked out quickly which we didn’t have the chance to tell you about. But you receiving this newsletter should be the first to know so we will endeavor not to let it happen again.
Oh yes, my favourite collective noun for permablitzes suggested after the last newsletter by Sonya Wallace was a ‘culture’ of blitzes.
Creeping off the petridish…
Adam @ Permablitz Decentral