Permablitz Numero Ocho: A Description of the Day
It’s a little tricky trying to write up a report back on our permablitz because on the day I was so overwhelmed and exciting with all the people and action, i can’t actually remember what happened. Its like when you try to remember an amazing dream after waking, but can only capture little pieces of it. But our beautiful garden beds in the shape of a sunset (imagine a semi circle of lawn with beds kinda shining outwards) are testament that it was a success… as is the new hot house made of bricks and salvaged windows, filled with seed trays and the occassional baby rainbow chard… as are the clam-shell ponds growing water parsley and water chestnuts and a few other things that i can’t identify.
And according to the photos, Adam did do an edible weeds ‘tour’ (which was planned to involve a walk around the block, but when he started in the yard, within the square foot in front of him, adam found enough edible/useful weeds to talk about for half an hour. And Phil led a plant pathology talk, as well as a fruit tree maintenance/pruning workshop. And Megan led a plants/companion planting discussion. And Cat & Adrian led a seeds and propagation chat. And we all ate a whole lotta food and made many new friends. And the whole event was filmed by Tanya who’s making a documentary about peak oil and people’s positive responses to it (to be screened at ACMI later this year).
Even beforehand people showed amazing generosity and support – Tom from Cultivating Communities donated a cubic metre of compost, and Matt & Aidan from Ceres donated a sooooo many seedlings, and Cat & Adrian donated hundreds of seeds, and Robbbie brought down bags and bags and bags of horse poo and seedlings from his organic farm in Commonground and drove me around the city picking up supplies, and Nelson donated the rest of the compost that we built at an earlier permablitz at his place, and, after I asked the universe for some windows (for the hot house) and a metal gate (for growing peas up), the universe put some on the footpath just round the corner of my house! and on the permablitz itself, people have estimated that about 30-40 people came through our garden to plant a seed, built a bed, or sit and learn new skills to take to their gardens.
I have a heart full of appreciation for everyone who contributed in some way to the wonder of permablitz numero ocho! and if ever anyone wants to come by for a cuppa and a sweet pea and to check the progress of the garden, give me a call 0407 605 518.