Permablitz #45 – West Preston
Despite the gentle rain, at least 40 people turned up right from the beginning at Alastair and Susie’s front yard with many more coming through over the day. Too many people and oh dear I’m the public face of chaos, said I. But it all worked out well. And with such amazing numbers we were able to pursue a kikuyu grass removal strategy normally only achievable with slave labour. We turned that yard into a food producing oasis, dug a long greywater trench for Alastair’s inspiring low budget system, and ate a glorious lunch. Many people chipped in with workshops and we learnt about green manuring, compost teas, edible weeds, sheet mulching, swale making and much more.

All hail the winter sun!
There was a seedling giveaway and the day finished with Ilan’s toy accordion rendition of what may be the world’s only song celebrating the warts on wild celeriacs. Truly wonderful!
Photos by Alistair Leith. You can check out the full gallery here!