Category: Newsletters

Making a biz from your permie passions and wicking bed action

Last month we got to chat to Ben from Ben’s Bees and he shared with us his beginnings and how he’s grown his business.. Permablitz Collective superstar Hermann also put together a great article on wicking beds (based on the writings of the wicking bed inventor), and we’ve also teamed up with the team at Permaculture Victoria to present the Fair Food documentary as part of the upcoming Sustainable Living Festival!

Blitzes and cake and chickens. Oh my!

What a month October was! A film screening, birthdays, blitzes, first ever Chicken Bingo event – it’s almost more than a Collective kid can bear! But there are gardens out there that need edible...

Celebrations and sadness

It’s been a time of highs and lows for the team at Permablitz decentral lately. Of course, the big news is the passing of the permaculture great Bill Mollison. To say the man was...