Spring Gardening Workshop
Date(s) - August 25, 2018
Time - 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
This is a third-party event not organised by Permablitz. We've added it because we reckon it looks pretty good!
Location - CERES Joe's Market Garden
Spring is approaching! Come learn how to sow seeds and take cuttings for your Summer garden.
Participants will make their own seed raising mix, sow five different vegetables punnets and make four different herb cuttings to take home. This is the perfect amount for a new gardener to start their veggie and herb patch. We will discuss how to create the best environment at home for baby plants, when to plant them out, correct placement, water requirements and when to harvest.
About your facilitator:
Lily of the Herbs has a background in native plant propagation and permaculture. She has always grown and foraged for her food, and now travels around teaching workshops on herbalism and basket weaving in a tiny house which she built. She is currently studying a degree in Western Herbal Medicine.
Tickets Available here: https://event.bookitbee.com/18236/plant-propagation