Leaf, Root & Fruit Gardening Community Night
Date(s) - July 4, 2019
Time - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
This is a third-party event not organised by Permablitz. We've added it because we reckon it looks pretty good!
Come along and meet like minded gardeners from your local community. Leaf, Root & Fruit are hosting a monthly community night on the first Thursday of the month (starting from April 4th).
The evening aims to connect growers and give them an opportunity to share knowledge, skills and ideas. Leaf, Root & Fruit staff members will be on hand to discuss any gardening issues, plans or discoveries you may have.
We have a food and seed swap table. Bring along any excess produce you may have and share it with the group. Take something else home with you in return!
Local community groups and business will have opportunities to share updates with the group. We will be inviting guest presenters to participate.
This event is FREE!