Save The Date: Climate Hack
Date(s) - February 22, 2018 - February 23, 2018
Time - 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This is a third-party event not organised by Permablitz. We've added it because we reckon it looks pretty good!
Location - Melbourne School of Government
Unimelb’s Postgrad Environment Network is hosting a Climate Hack this February.
This two day event will bring together the challenges of the world with the people who have the passion and ability to solve them.
In the event, we will be unlocking a low carbon future and we want you to help solve this puzzle. Working as an interdisciplinary team, you will work collaboratively to develop a solution to a predetermined problem using the design thinking process. To help achieve this you will be given a range of keynote speakers including not only design thinking, but also climate change entrepreneurship and the art of pitching. Groups will be assessed by our soon to be announced panel of judges!
The lucky winning team will win an amazing prize, but all participants will get something for their efforts.
Watch this space for more information and make sure you keep these dates free as you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity!