Permablitz #223 – Maribyrnong
Date(s) - March 22, 2020
Time - 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
On the basis of advice from the Premier’s briefing meeting held on Monday 16th March, 9am, Permablitz has decided to cancel the upcoming Upwey Permablitz and the Maribyrnong Permablitz.
Permablitz wants to make sure that we do all we can to take care of our volunteers and hosts, and this means we cannot put them in a position where they may find themselves at risk as part of one of our activities.
We have to consider the health of the hosts, designers, volunteers and their families and friends. Current advice is that public gatherings over 500 people are to be cancelled. This action is designed to avoid harm to the community, particularly for those people who are more vulnerable to this virus – our elderly and those with chronic illnesses. That’s our parents. Our grandparents. Our loved ones. Our friends. Our community.
While permablitzes typically have between 15-60 people and fall beneath these guidelines (for now), the last thing we want is to endanger anyone’s health.
We are monitoring the changing situation and Federal and State Government advice.
Of course, regularly wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, cough and sneeze into your elbow, and avoid touching your face.
Further information can be found on the Victorian Government website:
What we must not forget in this time of uncertainty is to treat each other with respect and kindness.
Remember one of the core permaculture principles: People Care. Now is the time to live by it more than ever.
“Live Well. Learn Well. Be Well.” is a program at St Margaret’s school in Maribyrnong, that evolved from like-minded parents who wanted to support and extend plans and activities that focus on health and wellbeing at all levels.
It is a whole-school approach that encompasses students, staff, families and the wider community with the primary aim of working towards becoming a health-promoting school by creating an environment that will have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of everyone involved.
Permablitz was first introduced to the school community by one of the parents, Rebecca, an Environmental Scientist, during her “Small Changes; Big Impacts” presentation to the school, but it is Cathy who has made the project happen, along with the design team Harriet, Clare and Martin.
Part of “Live Well. Learn Well. Be Well.”‘s aims are to develop outdoor spaces at the school that students can utilise as well as learning about principles of sustainability, permaculture and well-being.
We’re looking forward to helping the school reach their goal!
Due to the size of the project, this will be a mutli-permablitz experience, and will ultimately see a fruit orchard implemented at the school (among other things).
Tasks on the day will include sheet mulching, defining pathways and setting up borders, plus setting up an outdoor classroom area!
Workshops will include soil building and worm tower composting.
Things to bring if you can: wheelbarrows, shovels, picks, post hole digger, rotary hoe, small sledge hammer / mash hammer, rakes, gloves and own water bottles.
The day will be kid-friendly, but parents should be sure to keen an eye on wild kidlets.
It should be a fun day, but get in quickly! These tend to book out fast.
+1 | Want to have your own Blitz? This event counts as one "Blitz point". If you've been to a PermaBlitz (or a Permabee) and attend this event you'll be eligible for your own PermaBlitz! |