Aspendale Gardens Permabee
Date(s) - September 16, 2017
Time - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Permablitz superstar Seila Hierk is also Aspendale Gardens Primary School’s gardener, and uses his extensive permaculture skills to ensure the school’s veggie patches are always pumping. The school also runs the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen program, and together Seila and the program are able to deliver a terrific start to the young students of this school, as they learn how to make food, where it comes from and how to grow it!
From time to time, the kitchen garden needs a rejuvenation – and this is where we come in! Join us as we freshen up the garden area for the new season of summer growth, and learn how Seila manages to ensure fresh veggies for the school over the entire year!
Tasks for the day include:
- Weeding back garden
- building new fence
- forming sleepers around garden beds
- digging and making sunken wick garden bed
- Make your own potting mix
- How to make a sunken wicking garden bed
- How to mix planting systems
Tools to bring if you can:
- Drills
- Fork
- Mattock
- Shovels
This will be a kid-friendly event – there’s even a play ground! There will also be seedlings for participants to take home at the end of the day.
It all sounds pretty ace – if you’d like to get come along, make sure you get your name down below!
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